Viral hepatitis in practice - 2011

Tailoring response-based treatment for hepatitis C
Antonia Ho and Ray Fox
pp 1-5
The recommended treatment for chronic infection with hepatitis C virus (HCV) is a combination of pegylated interferon (pegIFN) alfa and ribavirin (RBV). Treatment duration is determined by HCV genotype: in genotype 1 (G1) infection, treatment usually lasts for 48 weeks, whereas in genotypes 2 and 3 (G2, G3), therapy for 24 weeks has been found to have equivalent efficacy.
Comment: A lesson from viral kinetics
Alastair Miller
pp 3-3
A few years ago, the treatment of chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection seemed to be largely ‘sorted’. Although cure rates were suboptimal, treatment was mainly protocol-driven and managed in large, nurse-led interferon clinics. Patients with genotype 1 HCV received 48 weeks of pegylated interferon (pegIFN) and weightbased ribavirin (RBV), while those infected with genotype 2 or genotype 3 received 24 weeks of pegIFN and flat-dose RBV.
Identifying cases of chronic viral hepatitis: outreach in practice
Heather Lewis, Graham Foster and Katharine Burke
pp 6-7
Chronic viral hepatitis (CVH) caused by hepatitis B or C is a global health concern, with an estimated 350 million people worldwide chronically infected with the hepatitis B virus (HBV), and 170 million infected with the hepatitis C virus (HCV).
Modern management of HIV and hepatitis C virus co-infection
Alastair Miller
pp 8-10
The use of highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) for the treatment of HIV infection since 1996 has dramatically reduced AIDS-related morbidity and mortality. This has allowed chronic liver disease to emerge as a leading cause of death among HIV-infected patients; much of that liver disease relates to chronic coinfection with hepatitis viruses (either hepatitis B virus [HBV] or hepatitis C virus [HCV]).

Viral hepatitis in practice was previously supported by Gilead Sciences from 2015 to 2016, by Gilead Sciences and Janssen in 2014, by Gilead Sciences and Roche Products in 2013 and by Gilead Sciences from 2009 to 2012.

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